Quantum Diamond Microscope

State of the art, wide-field imaging of magnetic fields, with applications spanning geoscience, bioimaging, electronics, materials characterization, and quantum research.

Enabling Science

Our team has one goal: Provide instruments and software that enable leading-edge research.
Our Product

The Quantum Diamond Microscope

The QDM uses a quantum-grade diamond sensor doped with an ensemble of nitrogen vacancy defects to image the magnetic properties of samples.
Want a live demo? The QDM is ready to travel!
Reach out to schedule a seminar or demo now: information@qdm.io
Training QDM students
QDM.IO @ WashU
QDM.IO scientist, Dr. Donald Fahey, showing students working with Prof. Chong Zhou at Washington University in St. Louis how to operate the QDM and Ferrum software!
QDM photo
Pre-shipping checks!
An assembled QDM and controller being tested before shipping and installation.